Thursday, July 11, 2013

Yummy Taco Bowls

I had this for dinner tonight and it was sooooo good that I just had to share!! ^_^

I have tried numerous different brands of low carb tortillas and have disliked all of them until now! I found these Mission Whole Wheat Carb Balance ones at the Ingles Supermarket here and they are PHENOMENALLY good. They even get crisp when you bake them! They are 6g/net carbs per tortilla which is a little higher then some of the other brands I have tried but I am okay with 6g - one of these is PLENTY.

Pair one yummy LC tortilla with one super cute taco bowl maker and bake it in a 400 degree oven for about 20 minutes ( at least in MY ancient oven lol) If you don't have one of these (the taco bowl maker, not the ancient oven!) then I recommend you invest in one. I paid $10 for a pack of 4 of them at Fred's. I admit - I later saw these at the Dollar Tree for $1!!! Eeek!! They were generic and perhaps only came with one but my guess is that they would work just as well as the "as seen on tv" type that I overpaid for!

Once my bowl was baked good and crisp I plopped it onto a plate and filled it with all kinds of yummy taco fillings! I filled it with lettuce, hamburger meat cooked w/salsa, shredded cheddar cheese, a few cherry tomatoes and a big dollop of sour cream. I meant to add in some of my homemade pickled jalapenos but I forgot them and I didn't have any avocado but I bet it would be DELICIOUS! This is my end result:

Altogether this came up to roughly 12g/net carbs - this is my carb breakdown:
Tortilla (6g)
Lettuce (0g)
Hamburger meat w/Salsa (1g)
Tomatoes (1g)
Cheese (2g)
Sour Cream (2g)

This could be made a lot less carby if you wanted to cut back on some of the cheese and sour cream but I had the carbs to spare today since I skipped lunch so I piled it on! ^_^ I ate the whole thing and it was very filling and satisfying.

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